P2160 BV HOP Medium Size Handbag, unrivaled in texture. This bag is called the "conspicuous bag" The loose feeling of Hop is something you can't get enough of after experiencing it. I don't have to explain. It's super chic under the armpits. It's great for gender-neutral wear, and it's perfect for both boys and girls. And the best part is! It's really chic! It's no exaggeration to say that every fashionista has one. Model No.: 763966 Size: 41*20*8cm

Picture [1]-P2160 BV HOP Medium Handbag The texture is unbeatable This bag is called the "conspicuous bag" Hop's loose feeling is to make people experience it and love it without much explanation armpit super chic genderless wear will be great Uninhibited Both boys and girls can be perfect to handle the most important thing is! And most importantly, it's so chic! The fashionable elite hand a really no exaggeration Model No.: 763966 Size: 41 * 20 * 8cm-High-fashion bags

Picture [2]-P2160 BV HOP Medium Handbag The texture is unbeatable This bag is called the "conspicuous bag" Hop's loose feeling is to make people experience it and love it without much explanation armpits super chic genderless wear is great Uninhibited Both boys and girls can be perfect to handle the most important thing is! And most importantly, it's so chic! The fashionable elite hand a really no exaggeration Model No.: 763966 Size: 41 * 20 * 8cm-High-fashion bags

Picture [3]-P2160 BV HOP Medium Handbag The texture is unbeatable This bag is called the "conspicuous bag" Hop's loose feeling is to let people experience it and love it without much explanation armpit super chic genderless wear will be great Unconventional Both boys and girls can be perfect to handle the most important thing is! And most importantly, it's so chic! The fashionable elite hand a really no exaggeration Model No.: 763966 Size: 41 * 20 * 8cm-High-fashion bags

Picture [4]-P2160 BV HOP Medium Handbag The texture is unbeatable This bag is called the "conspicuous bag" Hop's loose feeling is to let people experience it and love it without much explanation armpit super chic genderless wear will be great Unconventional Both boys and girls can be perfect to handle the most important thing is! And most importantly, it's so chic! The fashionable elite hand a really no exaggeration Model No.: 763966 Size: 41 * 20 * 8cm-High-fashion bags

Image [5]-P2160 BV HOP Medium Handbag The texture is unbeatable This bag is called the "conspicuous bag" Hop's loose feeling is to let people experience it and love it without much explanation armpit super chic genderless wear will be great Unconventional Both boys and girls can be perfect to handle the most important thing is! And most importantly, it's so chic! The fashionable elite hand a really no exaggeration Model No.: 763966 Size: 41 * 20 * 8cm-High-fashion bags

Picture [6]-P2160 BV HOP Medium Handbag The texture is unbeatable This bag is called the "conspicuous bag" Hop's loose feeling is to let people experience it and love it without much explanation armpit super chic genderless wear will be great Unconventional Both boys and girls can be perfect to handle the most important thing is! And most importantly, it's so chic! The fashionable elite hand a really no exaggeration Model No.: 763966 Size: 41 * 20 * 8cm-High-fashion bags

Picture [7]-P2160 BV HOP Medium Handbag The texture is unbeatable This bag is called the "conspicuous bag" Hop's loose feeling is to let people experience it and love it without much explanation armpit super chic genderless wear will be great Unconventional Both boys and girls can be perfect to handle the most important thing is! And most importantly, it's so chic! Fashionista hand in hand a really no exaggeration Model No.: 763966 Size: 41 * 20 * 8cm-High Faux Bags

Image [8]-P2160 BV HOP Medium Handbag The texture is unbeatable This bag is called the "conspicuous bag" Hop's loose feeling is to let people experience it and love it without much explanation armpit super chic genderless wear will be great Unconventional Both boys and girls can be perfect to handle the most important thing is! And most importantly, it's so chic! Fashionista hand in hand a really no exaggeration Model No.: 763966 Size: 41 * 20 * 8cm-High Faux Bags

Picture [9]-P2160 BV HOP Medium Handbag The texture is unbeatable This bag is called the "conspicuous bag" Hop's loose feeling is to let people experience it and love it without much explanation armpit super chic genderless wear will be great Unconventional Both boys and girls can be perfect to handle the most important thing is! And most importantly, it's so chic! Fashionista hand in hand a really no exaggeration Model No.: 763966 Size: 41 * 20 * 8cm-High Faux Bags

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