P300 M69829 Grey LV Aerogram Multiple Wallet Une nouvelle approche d'un design classique, la fabrication artisanale donne au cuir de vachette une texture riche et granuleuse et les lettres métalliques LV marquent l'identité de la marque, ce qui le rend facile à porter avec la collection de sacs à main LV Aerogram Dimensions : 11,5 x 9 x 1,5cm

Image[1]-P300 M69829 Coffee LV Aerogram Multiple wallet injects a new meaning into the classic designExquisite craftsmanship makes the cowhide leather present a rich grained textureMetallic LV letters mark the brand's identity can be easily matched with the LV Aerogram series of handbagsSize : 11.5×9×1.5cm-High-fashion bags

Image [2]-P300 M69829 Coffee LV Aerogram Multiple wallet injects a new meaning into the classic designExcellent craftsmanship makes the cowhide leather present a rich grained textureMetallic LV letters mark the brand's identity can be easily matched with the LV Aerogram series of handbagsSize : 11.5×9×1.5cm-High Faux Bags

Image [3]-P300 M69829 Coffee LV Aerogram Multiple wallet injecte une nouvelle signification au design classiqueL'excellente qualité de fabrication confère au cuir de vachette une riche texture grainéeLes lettres métalliques LV marquent l'identité de la marque peuvent être facilement assorties à la série de sacs à main LV AerogramDimensions : 11.5×9×1.5cm-Sacs haute couture

Image [4]-P300 M69829 Coffee LV Aerogram Multiple wallet injecte une nouvelle signification au design classiqueL'excellente qualité de fabrication confère au cuir de vachette une riche texture grainéeLes lettres métalliques LV marquent l'identité de la marque peuvent être facilement assorties à la série de sacs à main LV AerogramTaille : 11.5×9×1.5cm-Sacs à main haute couture

Image [5]-P300 M69829 Coffee LV Aerogram Multiple wallet injects a new meaning into the classic designExcellent craftsmanship makes the cowhide leather present a rich grained textureMetallic LV letters mark the brand's identity can be easily matched with the LV Aerogram series of handbagsSize : 11.5 × 9 × 1.5cm-High-fashion bags

Image [6]-P300 M69829 Coffee LV Aerogram Multiple wallet injects a new meaning into the classic designExcellent craftsmanship makes the cowhide leather present a rich grained textureMetallic LV letters mark the brand's identity can be easily matched with the LV Aerogram series of handbagsSize : 11.5 × 9 × 1.5cm-High-fashion bags

Image [7]-P300 M69829 Coffee LV Aerogram Multiple wallet injects a new meaning into the classic designExcellent craftsmanship makes the cowhide leather present a rich grained textureMetallic LV letters mark the brand's identity can be easily matched with the LV Aerogram series of handbagsSize : 11.5 × 9 × 1.5cm-High-fashion bags

Image [8]-P300 M69829 Coffee LV Aerogram Multiple wallet injects a new meaning into the classic designExcellent craftsmanship makes the cowhide leather present a rich grained textureMetallic LV letters mark the brand's identity can be easily matched with the LV Aerogram series of handbagsSize : 11.5 × 9 × 1.5cm-High-fashion bags

Image [9]-P300 M69829 Coffee LV Aerogram Multiple wallet injects a new meaning into the classic designExcellent craftsmanship makes the cowhide leather present a rich grained textureMetallic LV letters mark the brand's identity can be easily matched with the LV Aerogram series of handbagsSize : 11.5 × 9 × 1.5cm-High-fashion bags

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