大型ジップマネークリップ 装飾的なジャカード織りのウーステッドチェック柄で、B型のジップヘッドにはレザーライニングが施されています サイズはグローバルコインの収納に適しています B-Home product ~~👉👍 Fine workanship 💋 Physical shooting 📷 808951F101 ホワイト サイズ 21cm*...12cm*2.5cm

画像 [1]-Large zip money clip decorative jacquard worsted plaid pattern with B-shaped zip head using leather lining size suitable for storing global currencies B home production ~~👉👍 fine workanship 💋 physical shooting 📷🆔🆔 80895101 white size21cm*12cm*2.5cm-高フェイクバッグ

画像[2]-Large zip money clip decorative jacquard worsted plaid pattern with B-shaped zip head using leather lining size suitable for storing global currencies B-home production ~~~👉👍 fine workanship 💋 physical shooting 📷🆔🆔 80895101 white size21cm*12cm*2.5cm-高フェイクバッグ

画像[3]-Large zip money clip decorative jacquard worsted plaid pattern with B-shaped zip head using leather lining size suitable for storing global currencies B-home production ~~~👉👍 fine workanship 💋 physical shooting 📷🆔🆔 80895101 white size21cm*12cm*2.5cm-高フェイクバッグ

画像[4]-Large zip money clip decorative jacquard worsted plaid pattern with B-shaped zip head using leather lining size suitable for storing global currencies B-home production ~~~👉👍 fine workanship 💋 physical shooting 📷🆔🆔 80895101 white size21cm*12cm*2.5cm-高フェイクバッグ

画像[5]-Large zip money clip decorative jacquard worsted plaid pattern with B-shaped zip head using leather lining size suitable for storing global currencies B-home production ~~~👉👍 fine workanship 💋 physical shooting 📷🆔🆔 80895101 white size21cm*12cm*2.5cm-高フェイクバッグ

画像[6]-Large zip money clip decorative jacquard worsted plaid pattern with B-shaped zip head using leather lining size suitable for storing global currencies B-home production ~~👉👍 fine workanship 💋 physical shooting 📷🆔🆔 80895101 ホワイトサイズ21cm*12cm*2.5cm-高フェイクバッグ

画像[7]-Large zip money clip decorative jacquard worsted plaid pattern with B-shaped zip head using leather lining size suitable for storing global currencies B-home production ~~👉👍 fine workanship 💋 physical shooting 📷🆔🆔 80895101 ホワイトサイズ21cm*12cm*2.5cm-高フェイクバッグ

画像[8]-Large zip money clip decorative jacquard worsted plaid pattern with B-shaped zip head using leather lining size suitable for storing global currencies B-home production ~~👉👍 fine workanship 💋 physical shooting 📷🆔🆔 8089519401 white size21cm*12cm*2.5cm-高フェイクバッグ

画像[9]-Large zip money clip decorative jacquard worsted plaid pattern with B-shaped zip head using leather lining size suitable for storing global currencies B-home production ~~👉👍 fine workanship 💋 physical shooting 📷🆔🆔 80895101 ホワイトサイズ21cm*12cm*2.5cm-高フェイクバッグ

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